Please wear Practice Jersey, Black Hat and White BB Pants Arrive by 5:15
Please arrive by 1:45 at The CAGES. Be prepared to go outside to the turf across the road for a workout IMPORTANT-Please bring $10 per player to pay the fee for the facilities. Please wear BLACK Hats, STRIPED Jerseys, WHITE Pants (I want to get a TEAM pic of the group.
Double Header Scrimmage vs Fallston Arrive by Noon Wear STRIPED Jerseys and GOLD Hats
Arrive by 2:00 Wear Striped Jerseys/Black Hats Please be aware that we may play either two games or an extended game to get enough work in. It is possible we will be there until dark.
Wear BLACK Jerseys, GOLD Hats Arrive by 2:00 Game will start at 3:00 WE may play an extended game or a double header